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What are different types of entrapment?

On Behalf of | Feb 7, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Being falsely accused of entrapment can be a bewildering and distressing experience for an individual. Entrapment occurs when an individual coerces or manipulates someone into committing a crime they would not have otherwise committed.

It is important to learn more about what entrapment entails and the types possibly faced by individuals in Hackensack.

Persuasive entrapment

Persuasive entrapment means using convincing arguments to make someone commit a crime. Individuals might feel persuaded with lies, compliments or emotional tricks, making them do something illegal that they would not have done otherwise.

Coercive entrapment

Coercive entrapment uses threats, intimidation or blackmail to make someone commit a crime. People might break the law because of another individual’s power over them, creating feelings of intimidation and making them scared of what will happen to them if they do not comply.

Deceptive entrapment

Deceptive entrapment tricks people into committing crimes by lying or hiding the truth. Innocent people might think they are doing something legal, only to find out later that an individual tricked them into breaking the law.

Exploitative entrapment

Exploitative entrapment uses people’s vulnerabilities or needs to pressure them into committing crimes. Individuals may promise people money, support or other things they need, only to face pressure to do something illegal. This kind of entrapment takes advantage of desperate people.

By shedding light on the tactics used to manipulate and coerce individuals into criminal behavior, people can work toward a society where justice prevails. Understanding the various types of entrapment is important for recognizing and defending against false accusations.
